Revenge Quotes in The Princess Bride

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Inigo, at the age of twenty-seven, began having a few extra glasses of wine at night, to help him get to sleep. (5.485)

Inigo doesn't really know how to deal with the disappointment of failing to find his father's murderer, so he turns to drinking and spends a lot of time sitting around drunk. After all, it's not easy to realize that you've thrown away more than ten years of your life.

Quote #8

"You took [my heart] when I was ten; I want yours now. We are lovers of justice, you and I—what could be more just than that?" (8.123)

When Inigo finally finds Count Rugen (the man who killed his father), he is quick to explain exactly why he plans on killing Rugen. Rugen, you see, doesn't really recognize him. After all, as much as the day Domingo Montoya died was the most important day in Inigo's life, for Count Rugen, it was just another Tuesday.

Quote #9

The Count screamed one final time and then fell dead of fear. (8.124)

And there you have it: After all those years of practicing with his sword, Inigo watches as Count Rugen dies from fear. Now to be fair, his heart was also nearly cut out, so he didn't have all that much time left anyway.