Psycho Criminality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Psycho.

Quote #4

NORMAN: I think I must have one of those face you can't help believing.

Again, innocence is presented as a sign of criminality. Norman's a sweet everyman. But under each of those sweet everymen is a knife-wielding monster. (According to that sweet everyman, Mr. Hitchcock.)

Quote #5

SHERIFF CHAMBERS: Your detective told you he couldn't come right back because he was goin' to question Norman Bates' mother. Right?

LILA: Yes.

SHERIFF CHAMBERS: Norman Bates' mother has been dead and buried in Greenlawn Cemetery for the past ten years!

ELIZA: I helped Norman pick out the dress she was buried in. Periwinkle blue.

SHERIFF CHAMBERS: 'Tain't only local history, Sam. It's the only case of murder and suicide on Fairvale ledgers.

Fairvale is (as the name says) a nice place; they don't have murders there. Criminals go elsewhere. Except, as it turns out, that's not quite true. Norman has been murdering people for years; they're just mostly out-of-towners passing through so no one notices. Like Norman and Marion, Fairvale looks nice… but there are some sneaky criminals underneath.