Pulp Fiction Justice and Judgment Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Pulp Fiction.

Quote #7

JULES: (cleaning up Marvin) I will never forgive your ass for this s***. This is some f***ed-up repugnant s***!

VINCENT: Did you ever hear the philosophy that once a man admits he's wrong he's immediately forgiven for all wrong-doings?

JULES: Man, get outta my face with that s***! The m*********** who said that never had to pick up itty-bitty pieces of skull with his fingers on account of your dumb ass. […] You're the m*********** should be on brain detail.

Oh, so now Vincent is a believer? That "philosophy" of forgiveness is a religious one, last we checked. Jules isn't buying it, despite his recent religious awakening. As far as he's concerned, justice is this at the moment: Vincent shot Marvin, so he should be the one mopping up his brains.