Rain Man Money Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Rain Man.

Quote #4

SUSANNA: Charlie, you're his brother! His brother! They tell you today for the first time that you have a brother, and I don't see in your face one little reaction. I'm not saying joy. I'm saying something.
CHARLIE: Just take it easy—you don't know what I'm going through here.
SUSANNA: What are you going through? What are you going through? Because I don't know. Because you don't tell me anything! You just give me lies! Lies! Lies!
CHARLIE: Lies? What lies? What lies?
SUSANNA: This thing that Dr. Bruner asked you to bring him here, this is bulls***. I know it's not true. So why don't you tell me why, why is he here?
CHARLIE: Because I'm pissed at him.
SUSANNA: At who?
CHARLIE: At my father.
SUSANNA: You're pissed at your father, and you bring Raymond here. Why?
CHARLIE: I don't know why. 'Cause I got him and they want him!
SUSANNA: This makes no sense!
CHARLIE: Raymond was left all the money and I got nothing.
SUSANNA: How much?
CHARLIE: $3 million, the inheritance. Every penny of it.
CHARLIE: So, I'm gonna keep him 'til I get my half! I deserve that!

Here, Susanna finally calls BS on Charlie's story that he's taken Raymond at Doctor Bruner's request—and gets Charlie to admit that he's basically holding Raymond ransom until he gets the $1.5 million he thinks he's owed.

Quote #5

CHARLIE: What good is $3 million to him? That money is only just gonna sit there for the rest of his life, and I need that money. You know I need that money.
SUSANNA: Yeah, you need them, so it's hardly like stealing, no? And when it's over, what happens to Raymond?
CHARLIE: He'll go back to Wallbrook or a better place—with the money, I will put him in a better place. What difference does it make? He is gonna be just the same.
SUSANNA: Only you have his money.
CHARLIE: His money? His money? That man was my father too. What about my f***ing half? Where's my f***ing half? I'm entitled to that money!
SUSANNA: You kidnapped this man!
CHARLIE: I did not take him. I did not take him. I took my half.
SUSANNA: Charlie, you're crazy.
CHARLIE: Yeah, it runs in the family.

Charlie is so delusional/crazed by greed that he thinks that, naturally, half of Ray's inheritance belongs to him (even though it wasn't left to him). Of course, it helps that he clearly doesn't think of Ray as a human being who has rights, etc., but mostly he is just thinking about the fact that he needs the money, and so he deserves it—kind of like he thought he deserved the family car all those years ago.