Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith Power Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith.

Quote #10

PALPATINE: I am your pathway to power. I have the power to save the one you love. You must choose. You must stop him. […] Help me! Don't let him kill me. I can't hold on any longer … […] I can't … I give up. Help me. I am weak … I am too weak. Don't kill me. I give up. I'm dying. I can't hold on any longer. […] (Anakin cuts off Mace's hand, and Palpatine blasts Mace out of the window to his death.) Power! Unlimited power!

Wait, huh? He's weak, he's dying, and then, power. Unlimited power. Palpatine is a con artist. One minute he's whimpering in the corner, and the next, he's shouting like a caffeinated banshee that he's invincible.

Quote #11

ANAKIN: Just help me save Padmé's life. I can't live without her. I won't let her die. I want the power to stop death.

PALPATINE: To cheat death is a power only one has achieved, but if we work together, I know we can discover the secret.

What a classic bad guy move. He's promising Anakin a power he's not even sure he has.