Seize the Day Choices Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

My thoughts are at an end. I feel the wall. No more. So —k it all! The money and everything. Take it away! When I have money they eat me alive, like those piranha fish in the movie about the Brazilian jungle. It was hideous when they ate up that Brahma bull in the river. He turned pale, just like clay, and in five minutes there was nothing left except the skeleton still in one piece, floating away. When I haven't got it anymore, at least they'll let me alone. (4.119)

Now we're coming to the heart of it, Shmoopers. Wilhelm seems to believe that by embracing his destruction and ruin, at least he'll put an end to the misery of trying to make things work. Has this same motivation prompted other big decisions in his life? Survey says: PROBABLY.

Quote #8

And he reflected, So? I took a gamble. It'll have to be a miracle though, to save me. My money will be gone, then it won't be able to destruct me. He can't just take and lose it, though. He's in it, too. I think he's in a bad way himself. He must be. I'm sure because, come to think of it, he sweated blood when he signed that check. But what have I let myself in for? The waters of the earth are going to roll over me. (4.129)

Wilhelm may tell himself that he took a gamble, made a choice, and did what he thought was best, but those thoughts are little comfort to him when he thinks about how hard it'll be to get by if this doesn't work out. Deep down, he can't convince himself that he acted wisely, or rationally.

Quote #9

"I don't know how many times you have to be burned in order to learn something. The same mistakes, over and over."
"I couldn't agree with you more," said Wilhelm with a face of despair. "You're so right, Father. It's the same mistakes, and I get burned again and again. I can't seem to—I'm stupid, Dad, I just can't breathe. My chest is all up—I feel choked. I just simply can't catch my breath." (7.29-30)

Cuz he is barely breathing…Wilhelm often feels as though the world (or his wife) is choking him. What's the deal? Is the universe just out to get him, or is Wilhelm to blame for his own problems?