Seize the Day Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

He was well aware that he didn't stand a chance of getting sympathy from his father, who said he kept his for real ailments. Moreover, he advised himself repeatedly not to discuss his vexatious problems with him, for his father, with some justice, wanted to be left in peace. (3.6)

Although Wilhelm occasionally tries to understand his father's point of view, he can't really accept that Dr. Adler is justified in wanting no part in his son's financial troubles. What else are parents good for?! (We joke, of course.)

Quote #8

A husband like me is a slave, with an iron collar. The churches go up to Albany and supervise the law. They won't have divorces. The court says, 'You want to be free. Then you have to work twice as hard—twice, at least! Work! you bum.' So then guys kill each other for the buck, and they may be free of a wife who hates them but they are sold to the company. The company knows a guy has got to have his salary, and takes full advantage of him. (3.57)

Wilhelm spends a lot of time being angry with his father for wanting to be "free" of his wife and children, but the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Is Wilhelm really all that different? He cheated on Margaret throughout their marriage and wanted to divorce her to marry another woman. How might Wilhelm's own sons, Tommy and Paul, compare their father's actions to their grandfather's, if they knew?

Quote #9

He recognized that his father was now furiously angry. Dr. Adler started to say something, and then raised himself and gathered the sheet over him as he did so. His mouth opened, wide, dark, twisted, and his said to Wilhelm, "You want to make yourself into my cross. But I am not going to pick up a cross. I'll see you dead, Wilky, by Christ, before I let you do that to me." (7.38)

Is it possible to sympathize with Dr. Adler after he admits to Wilhelm that he'd rather see him dead than be forced to carry his burden? Like, seriously, who does that? Has Dr. Adler finally let his true selfishness show?