The Silence of the Lambs Cunning and Cleverness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from The Silence of the Lambs.

Quote #7

CLARICE: Hester Mofet. It's an anagram, isn't it, doctor? Hester Mofet. The rest of me. Miss the rest of me.

These anagrams are presented to us as bits of cleverness, even though anyone who reads the Sunday Jumble on a regular basis could figure them out. Lecter's intelligence doesn't find much expression in his hospital cell, so he welcomes any opportunity to demonstrate it.

Quote #8

CLARICE: He's a white male. Serial killers tend to hunt within their own ethnic groups. He's not a drifter. He's got his own house somewhere, not an apartment. […] What he does with them takes privacy. He's in his 30s or 40s. He's got real physical strength, combined with an older man's self-control. He's… He's cautious. Precise. And he's never impulsive. He'll never stop. […] He's got a real taste for it now. He's getting better at his work.

This is like auditing an Intro to Serial Killers course. Buffalo Bill fits exactly into Clarice's analysis, but it's also very vague in certain points, like a newspaper horoscope. Is she being clever here, or is Buffalo Bill simply not clever enough?

Quote #9

CLARICE: Your anagrams are showing, Doctor. Louis Friend. Iron Sulfide. Also known as Fool's Gold.

This anagram is cleverer than the previous one, and Clarice knows the doctor by this point, so she figures it out. In the 90s this was especially clever because they didn't have Clarice needs paper, pen, and her brain.