Singin' in the Rain Change Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Singin' in the Rain.

Quote #4

COSMO: Why bother to shoot this film? Why not release the old one under a new title? You've seen one, you've seen them all.

DON: Hey, what'd you say that for?

COSMO: What's the matter?

DON: That's what that Kathy Selden said to me that night.

COSMO: That's three weeks ago, you still thinking about that?

DON: I can't get her out of my mind.

COSMO: How could you—she's the first dame who hasn't fallen for your line since you were four.

Two things worth noting here: First, Cosmo's attitude reveals how resistant to change and downright lazy the studio's become. Second, it's not just Don's job that's changing; his love life and his romantic priorities are, too.

Quote #5

COSMO: What's the first thing an actor learns? "The show must go on!' Come rain, come shine, come snow, come sleet, the show MUST go on!

"The show must go on" is just a fancy way of saying that, no matter what, you have to adapt. Or, as they say in the business world, "Change or die!"

Quote #6

COSMO: Talking picture? Well, that means I'm out of a job. At last I can start suffering and write that symphony.

R.F.: You're not out of a job. We're putting you in as head of the new music department.

COSMO: Well, thanks, R.F.! At last I can stop suffering and write that symphony.

No matter what happens, Cosmo's going to roll with it.