Singin' in the Rain Respect and Reputation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Singin' in the Rain.

Quote #7

DON: I'm no actor. I never was. Just a bunch of dumb show. I know that now.

COSMO: Well, at least you're taking it lying down.

DON: No. No kidding, Cosmo. Did you ever see anything as idiotic as me on that screen tonight?

KATHY: Yeah, how about Lina?

Don not only tries to admit defeat here, but also that his superstar reputation was built on lies and that he isn't worthy of respect. Fortunately, he's got Cosmo and Kathy there to build his sorry butt back up.

Quote #8

LINA: You mean it's going to say up on the screen that I don't talk and sing for myself?

This is the realization that sets Lina on her path of (attempted) destruction. Why? Because it's going to destroy her reputation.

Quote #9

LINA: What do they think I am? Dumb or something? Why, I make more money than—than—than Calvin Coolidge! Put together!

For as funny as this line is, Lina's basically saying, "Don't they know who I am?!" As in, her reputation: A) precedes her; and B) suggests she's someone who shouldn't be messed with.