Song of Solomon Man and the Natural World Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

After a while he sat up and put on the wet socks and shoes. He looked at his watch to check the time. It ticked, but the face was splintered and the minute hand was bent. Better move, he thought and struck out for the hills, which, deceptive as the sound of the creak, were much farther away than they seemed. He had no idea that simply walking through trees, bushes, on untrammeled group could be so hard. (2.10.250)

Nature is stronger than technology. Even our iPod would be no match for the Pennsylvanian woods. And nature is also deceptive to the city boy, who has no idea how to measure distance. He has to learn a whole new way of coping and living. We also just think it’s interesting that time stops. That seems kind of important, as though the measurement of time is pretty much irrelevant in these parts.

Quote #8

None of them tore their clothes as he had, climbing twenty feet of steep rock. (2.10.251)

That’s because they’re savvier than you, Milkman. We hate to break it to you Milkman, but you’re a little high maintenance and little slow when it comes to the whole nature thing. But it’s OK; you’ll learn. Macon and Pilate grew up in this world, so it’s like they speak Nature fluently and communicate with the world much more easily than you can.

Quote #9

The low hills in the distance were no longer scenery to him. They were real places that could split your thirty-dollar shoes. (2.10.257)

Milkman is learning! And if nature is both the world around us and the world within us, it could very well be that Milkman is not only learning how to be a mountain man, but he’s also learning about his own self.