Star Wars: A New Hope Coming of Age Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Star Wars: A New Hope.

Quote #7

LUKE: So… you got your reward and you're just leaving, then?
HAN: That's right. Yeah. I got some old debts I got to pay off with this stuff. And even if I didn't, you don't think I'd be fool enough to stick around here, do ya? Why don't you come with us? You're pretty good in a fight. We could use you.

After the ordeal on the Death Star, Luke has grown and proven himself. This has earned him Han Solo's respect, something he did not have earlier in the film.

Quote #8

OBI-WAN: Use the Force, Luke. Let go, Luke.
DARTH VADER: The Force is strong with this one.
OBI-WAN: Luke, trust me.
REBEL: His computer's off. Luke, you switched off your targeting computer! What's wrong?
LUKE: Nothing. I'm all right.

Luke took Obi-Wan's lessons to heart. Now putting theory into practice, Luke takes what he has learned and uses it to destroy the Death Star. The act earns him a place among the Rebel forces and shows his growth since his days on Tatooine doing Force knows what with power converters.