Star Wars: A New Hope Power Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Star Wars: A New Hope.

Quote #4

STORMTROOPER: Let me see your identification.
OBI-WAN: You don't need to see his identification.
STORMTROOPER: We don't need to see his identification.
OBI-WAN: These aren't the droids you're looking for.
STORMTROOPER: These aren't the droids we're looking for.
OBI-WAN: He can go about his business.
STORMTROOPER: You can go about your business.
OBI-WAN: Move along.
STORMTROOPER: Move along. Move along.

Compare Obi-Wan using the Force here to the previous scene with Vader. Obi-Wan also uses the power of the Force, but the power is more passive and persuading. Both men get what they want, but we get a sense of very different characters because of the way they wield their power.

Quote #5

TARKIN: There. You see, Lord Vader? She can be reasonable. Continue with the operation. You may fire when ready.
LEIA: What?
TARKIN: You're far too trusting. Dantooine is too remote to make an effective demonstration, but don't worry. We will deal with your rebel friends soon enough.

Tarkin's brand of power makes Vader's seem tame by comparison. While Vader might choke a guy, Tarkin blows up entire planets to convince whole peoples to follow his orders. For Tarkin, the purpose of power is to instill fear, and fear leads to compliance.

Quote #6

OBI-WAN: Remember, a Jedi can feel the Force flowing through him.
LUKE: You mean it controls your actions?
OBI-WAN: Partially, but it also obeys your commands.
[Luke gets hit. Han laughs.]

As we saw earlier, Luke doesn't have the power to make it in the universe. Obi-Wan begins training him to use the Force so that he can do just that.