Sunset Boulevard Appearances Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Sunset Boulevard.

Quote #7

BETTY: I come from a picture family. Naturally they took it for granted I was to become a great star. So I had ten years of dramatic lessons, diction, dancing. Then the studio made a test. Well, they didn't like my nose – it slanted this way a little. I went to a doctor and had it fixed. They made more tests, and they were crazy about my nose – only they didn't like my acting.

Betty's story is a big bummer, given that her attempt to change her appearance didn't have the effect she intended. The big irony here is that her acting ultimately proved to be the problem. It's an example of how showbiz demands that people make changes to themselves if they want to become—or stay—relevant. But in a way, things have worked out well for Betty since she's decided to pursue a career as a screenwriter instead.