Tartuffe Hypocrisy Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Act.Scene.Line). Every time a character talks counts as one line, even if what they say turns into a long monologue. We used Richard Wilbur's translation.

Quote #7

"Yes, brother, I'm a wicked man, I fear:
A wretched sinner, all depraved and twisted,
The greatest villain that has ever existed.
Believe what you are told, and drive Tartuffe
Like some base criminal from beneath your roof;
Yes, drive me hence, and with a parting curse:
I shan't protest, for I deserve far worse."

Orgon (To Damis):
"Ah, you deceitful boy, how dare you try
To stain his purity with so foul a lie?" (3.6.2-3)

Ironically, the one and only time Tartuffe actually tells the truth, he does so in order to trick Orgon once more. Unfortunately, his trick works.

Quote #8

"How can you know what I might do, or be?
Is it on my good actions that you base
Your favor? Do you trust my pious face?
Ah, no, don't be deceived by hollow shows;
I'm far, alas, from being what men suppose;" (3.6.6)

Tartuffe's advice to Orgon is quite similar to Cléante's. If there's one thing you can trust Tartuffe to know, it's the ins and outs of hypocrisy. After all, he's got a lot of experience with them.

Quote #9

"God knows what people would think! Why they'd describe
My goodness to him as a sort of bribe;
They'd say that out of guilt I made pretense
of loving-kindness and benevolence." (4.1.2)

In order to justify his treatment of Damis, Tartuffe tells Orgon that he simply can't forgive him…because if he did, people might think he were a hypocrite.