Tartuffe Lies and Deceit Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Act.Scene.Line). Every time a character talks counts as one line, even if what they say turns into a long monologue. We used Richard Wilbur's translation.

Quote #4

Dorine (To Mariane):
"Your father's addled; he's acting like a dunce.
Therefore you'd better humor the old fossil.
Pretend to yield to him, be sweet and docile,
And then postpone, as often as necessary,
The day on which you have agreed to marry." (2.4.90)

Dorine advocates lying to Orgon; as long as she's using deception to do good, she has no qualms.

Quote #5

"Some women might do otherwise, perhaps,
But I shall be discreet about your lapse;
I'll tell my husband nothing of what's occurred
If, in return, you'll give your solemn word
To advocate as forcefully as you can
The marriage of Valère and Mariane," (3.3.32)

Elmire, like Dorine, is OK with deception if it serves a good purpose.

Quote #6

"She, with her too gentle disposition,
Would not have told you of his proposition;
But I shall not make terms with brazen lechery,
And feel that not to tell you would be treachery." (3.5.1)

Damis, on the other hand, is unwilling to compromise his morals. As a result, he's disinherited and more trouble is brought upon the house of Orgon.