Tartuffe Women and Femininity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Act.Scene.Line). Every time a character talks counts as one line, even if what they say turns into a long monologue. We used Richard Wilbur's translation.

Quote #4

"You can't mean, Father…"

"Yes, Tartuffe shall be
Allied by marriage to this family,
And he's to be your husband do you hear?
It's a father's privilege…" (2.1.24-25)

In asserting his own authority over Dorine, he asserts the authority of all fathers over their daughters.

Quote #5

"Doesn't it seem to you a trifle grim
To give a girl like her to a man like him?
When two are so ill-suited, can't you see
What sad consequence is bound to be?
A young girl's virtue is imperiled, Sir,
When such a marriage is imposed on her;
For if one's bridegroom isn't to one's taste,
It's hardly an inducement to be chaste." (2.2.18)

Dorine's opinions regarding marriage are rather extreme. Dorine makes it seem as if a daughter forced into an unwanted marriage can't help but cheat.

Quote #6

"They'll make a lovely pair.
If I were she, no man would marry me
Against my inclination, and go scot free.
He'd learn, before the wedding-day was over,
How readily a wife can find a lover." (2.2.46)

Here, again, Dorine asserts that women have a right to look for other partners if their husbands are not, shall we say, suitable.