The Dark Knight Duty Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from The Dark Knight.

Quote #7

MAYOR GARCIA: The public likes you, Dent. That's the only reason this might fly. But that means it's on you. They're all coming after you now. Not just the mob: politicians, journalists, cops. Anyone whose wallet's about to get lighter. Are you up to it? You better be. They get anything back on you, those criminals will be back on the streets…

Wow, no pressure buddy, right? The importance of Harvey in this plan to put the mob behind bars means that Harvey really can't shirk his duty. Ultimately, he does, of course, leaving someone else (Batman) scrambling to keep the fallout from affecting everyone.

Quote #8

BRUCE WAYNE: People are dying, Alfred. What would you have me do?

ALFRED PENNYWORTH: Endure, Master Wayne. Take it. They'll hate you for it, but that's the point of Batman. He can be the outcast. He can make the choice that no one else can make, the right choice.

Alfred reminds Batman of his duty again, this time suggesting that he do what he eventually ends up doing. Sometimes, the help really does know best, Bruce.

Quote #9

GORDON: We have to save Dent! I have to save Dent!

So here's Gordon's priorities laid out crystal clear. The trouble is, he's about to make a horrific mistake for the sake of this duty, shooting what he believes are the Joker's men but are actually hostages in disguise. Duty may lead you towards noble ends, but it can also make you do things without thinking them through, and perverting the very nobility you seek. That's how the Joker plays this game, and even a good man like Jim Gordon can be taken in by it.