Betrayal Quotes in The Jungle Book

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph) or (Chapter.Line)

Quote #4

"Have a care, Manling, that I do not mistake thee for a monkey some twilight when I have newly changed my coat." (3.137)

Kaa, being a snake, has no problem betraying the trust of Bagheera and Baloo by eating the child they asked him to save, but Mowgli bargains his way out of it.

Quote #5

"I will always remember that I have been cast out of the Pack." (5.21)

This is Mowgli nicely telling the wolves, "I wouldn't pee on you if you were on fire." He'll never forget the way they turned against him.

Quote #6

"Sorcerer! Wolf's brat! Jungle-demon! Go away! Get hence quickly, or the priest will turn thee into a wolf again. Shoot, Buldeo, shoot!" (5.89)

Poor Mowgli—even the humans turn against him, too. Unlike the wolves, who just kick him out, the humans try to kill him, though.