Coming of Age Quotes in The Jungle Book

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph) or (Chapter.Line)

Quote #7

"The sea is deep, and you don't know all that's in it yet." (7.30)

This is a seal phrase meaning, you might think you've seen it all, but you still have room to grow. Like Mowgli's journey, Kotick's path keeps taking him places he thought he would never have to go.

Quote #8

[Kotick] turned and galloped (a seal can gallop very swiftly for a short time) back to the sea, his little new moustache bristling with horror. (7.42)

Kotick has a moustache. Just like with a human, that's how you know he's becoming a man soon. However, the phrase "little new moustache" here shows us that he's not quite there yet.

Quote #9

"We will come," said thousands of tired voices. "We will follow Kotick, the White Seal." (7.103)

Although Kotick's dad wasn't a leader (the seal community didn't have one), he was the closest they had to one. Kotick, however, surpasses his father and becomes the first bona fide leader of the seals.