Courage Quotes in The Jungle Book

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph) or (Chapter.Line)

Quote #4

"No one, then, is to be feared," Baloo wound up, patting his big furry stomach with pride. (3.18)

Baloo teaches Mowgli to communicate with other animals, and this skill opens up the jungle to the boy, giving him the power to communicate instead of fear the animals that are his neighbors.

Quote #5

Bagheera heard, and the cry that told him Mowgli was safe gave him new courage. (3.119)

The only reason Bagheera is fighting the monkeys is to recover Mowgli. If Mowgli were a lost cause, though, Bagheera might not find the fight worth it.

Quote #6

"A brave heart and a courteous tongue," said [Kaa]. "They shall carry thee far through the Jungle, Manling." (3.141)

You could replace "Jungle" with "life" here, and have a pretty apt analogy for how far Mowgli's bravery will carry him.