The Yearling Courage Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"His fear had a name, and was no longer quite so terrible" (14.136)

Weirdly, once Jody realizes that Penny might die, he's no longer so afraid. It's kind of like learning that you're going to be delayed on the tarmac for another hour: at least you know how long it's going to last.

Quote #5

"Penny made a rush at the alligator" (20.169)

Two words: alligator wrestling. Okay, okay, a few more words. This is really brave of Penny, but we have to ask: at what point does bravery become stupidity?

Quote #6

"He handed Jody his gun and retrieved his own from the side of the fence. He leaned and picked up a hoof of the calf and walked decisively toward the house, dragging the carcass. … [Jody] was still frightened. A panther or a bear at bay always terrified him" (23.38)

There's nothing more dangerous than a trapped animal, especially a trapped predator. (Always shoot to kill, Shmoopers.) That's why Penny's courage is so impressive—especially in contrast to Jody immature (but totally understandable) fear.