The Three Musketeers Revenge Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Richelieu, as everyone knows, had loved the queen. Was this love a simple political affair, or was it naturally one of those profound passions, which Anne of Austria inspired in those who approached her? That we are not able to say; but at all events, we have seen, by the anterior developments of this story, that Buckingham had the advantage over him, and in two or three circumstances, particularly that of the diamond studs, had, thanks to the devotedness of the three musketeers and the courage and conduct of D’Artagnan, cruelly mystified him.

It was, then, Richelieu’s object, not only to get rid of an enemy of France, but to avenge himself on a rival; but this vengeance must be grand and striking and worthy in every way of a man who held in his hand, as his weapon for combat, the forces of a kingdom. (41.10 – 41.11)

Cardinal Richelieu’s motivation for winning the war is so he can show himself to be a better man than the Duke of Buckingham. Although it is Queen Anne inspiring such events, she herself has very little power.

Quote #8

"Look you, my friends!" cried D’Artagnan, "a horrible suspicion crosses my mind! Can this be another vengeance of that woman?" (42.49)

You really don’t want to get on Milady’s bad side. Her power and her cunning are very great.

Quote #9

The four friends, during the period of these two absences, had, as may well be supposed, the eye on the watch, the nose to the wind, and the ear on the hark. Their days were passed in endeavoring to catch all that was said, in observing the proceeding of the cardinal, and in looking out for all the couriers who arrived. More than once an involuntary trembling seized them when called upon for some unexpected service. They had, besides, to look constantly to their own proper safety; Milday was a phantom which, when it had once appeared to people, did not allow them to sleep very quietly. (48.117)

In her brazen efforts to avenge herself of D’Artagnan, Milady has the four friends psychologically terrified.