The Life of Timon of Athens Act 5, Scene 4 Summary

Read the full text of The Life of Timon of Athens Act 5 Scene 4 with a side-by-side translation HERE.

  • Alcibiades arrives at the city gates, trumpets blaring. He tells the Senators to surrender to him. In order to do so, they have to (1) give him all his and Timon's enemies; (2) atone for their sins (translation: say sorry for what they've done); and (3) obey the new laws of justice.
  • The Senators all agree to Alcibiades's conditions; he's got them surrounded, and they don't really have a choice.
  • In the midst of this victory, a soldier enters. He gives Alcibiades the waxed inscription from the tomb.
  • Alcibiades reads the epitaph aloud so everyone can hear. It says that Timon hated all men and cursed them. Anyone who seeks him out will be plagued. How touching.
  • Alcibiades gets the last word. He reflects on Timon's death by saying they'll remember what happened to noble Timon.
  • With that, the drums sound, and Alcibiades is victorious.