The Life of Timon of Athens Quotes

Find the perfect quote to float your boat. Shmoop breaks down key quotations from The Life of Timon of Athens.

Friendship Quotes

TIMON: I am not of that feather to shake offMy friend when he must need me. I do know himA gentleman that well deserves a help:Which he shall have: I'll pay the debt, and free him. (1.1.104-107)

Principles Quotes

MESSENGER: Ay, my good lord: five talents is his debt,His means most short, his creditors most strait:Your honorable letter he desiresTo those have shut him up; which failing,Periods his comfort. (...

City vs. Country Quotes

ALCIBIADES: Banishment!It comes not ill; I hate not to be banish'd;It is a cause worthy my spleen and fury,That I may strike at Athens. I'll cheer upMy discontented troops, and lay for hearts.'Tis...

Exile and Isolation Quotes

POET: When Fortune in her shift and change of moodSpurns down her late beloved, all his dependentsWhich labour'd after him to the mountain's topEven on their knees and hands, let him slip down,Not...

Wealth Quotes

TIMON: I take no heed of thee; thou'rt an Athenian,therefore welcome: I myself would have no power;prithee, let my meat make thee silent. (1.2.34-36)

Suffering Quotes

APEMANTUS: Those healths will make thee and thy statelook ill, Timon. (1.2.55-56)

Dissatisfaction and Misanthropy Quotes

FIRST LORD: He's opposite to humanity. Come, shall we inAnd taste Lord Timon's bounty? He outgoesThe very heart of kindness. (1.1.277-280)

Greed Quotes

APEMANTUS: I scorn thy meat; 'twould choke me, for I shouldne'er flatter thee. O you gods, what a number ofmen eat Timon, and he sees 'em not! It grieves meto see so many dip their meat in one man'...