Titanic Society and Class Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Titanic.

Quote #4

CAL: Well, it's for royalty. We are royalty, Rose.

Cal gives Rose a huge-tastic diamond necklace called the Heart of the Ocean. He senses that she hasn't been feeling all that chipper, and so he decides to give her something really expensive and elite…since, you know, that's the kind of thing that would cheer him up.

Quote #5

UNNAMED COUNTESS: Look, here comes that vulgar Brown woman.

RUTH: Quickly, get up before she sits with us.

Remember how we said Ruth didn't like Molly? Well, this is the kind of thing we were talking about. Ruth is trying to escape from the lunch table before Molly can join her and her friends. Ruth does not consider Molly to be on her level in the least, and she barely hides her disdain.

Quote #6

MOLLY: Well, you're about to go into the snake pit. What are you planning to wear?

It seems that Molly doesn't think that highly of Ruth and her friends, either, since they are the members of the "snake pit" she mentions here when talking to Jack. You see, Jack is supposed to come to dinner with Rose, Cal, etc., as a thank you for saving Rose's life…and as Molly points out, he'll probably need something posh to wear.