Toy Story Change Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Toy Story.

Quote #7

SID: The toys! The toys are alive!... Nice toy…

HANNAH: What's wrong, Sid? Don't you wanna play with Sally?

You kind of feel bad for Sid here. Just a little. He's been an awful toy owner and an even worse big brother, but we get the feeling he's about to turn over a kinder and gentler new leaf.

Quote #8

WOODY: Buzz? Buzz Lightyear? You're not worried, are you?

BUZZ: Me? No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Are you?

WOODY: Now Buzz, what could Andy possibly get that is worse than you?

ANDY: Oh, oh, what is it? What is it? Wow, a puppy!

In the last few lines of the movie all the toys have learned to accept change. They're not freaking out about new toys—they're celebrating it. Even Woody and Buzz have buried the hatchet because they know they can't stop the change train from chugging down the track.