The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman Literature and Writing Quotes

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Quote #10

'Twas an eye full of gentle salutations—and soft responses—speaking—not like the trumpet stop of some ill-made organ, in which many an eye I talk to, holds coarse converse—but whispering soft—like the last low accent of an expiring saint—'How can you live comfortless, captain Shandy, and alone, without a bosom to lean your head on—or trust your cares to?'

It was an eye—

But I shall be in love with it myself, if I say another word about it. (8.25.4-5)

Tristram is so good at writing, if he does say so himself, that he actually writes himself into love with Widow Wadman (almost). Writing is powerful, or performative—it makes things happen.