Guilt and Blame Quotes in Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Volume.Chapter.Paragraph) and (Volume.Chapter.Section.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Well, I won't be lectured to by you about my everlasting duties to Nessie. I gave her my childhood. ... She's made her life the way she wants it, and she still has choice and free will even now. (

Two themes for the price of one here! Elphaba refuses to feel guilty about her "duties" to Nessie, and she also points out that Nessie is a big girl who can make her own choices. Frex doesn't seem to have a problem with Nessie making choices, but he does have a problem with her facing the consequences, which is where his guilt trip routine comes into play.

Quote #5

"You were born to curse my life." He patted her hand affectionately, as if he didn't mean much by this. (5.3.20)

Frex should not pursue a career in writing Hallmark cards. This idea of the "curse" crops up a lot of times in the book. Oz is cursed; Elphaba is cursed (and is a curse); Elphaba thinks Dorothy is some sort of curse; and so on.

Quote #6

"I would say to you: Would you ever forgive me for that accident, for the death of your sister; would you ever forgive me, for I could never forgive myself!"

The Witch shrieked in panic, in disbelief. (5.17.37-8)

This bit of irony proves too much for the poor Witch, finally pushing her over the edge. Unlike Elphaba, Dorothy gets to ask for forgiveness. But she also suggests that forgiveness ultimately won't do much good, since she'll still have to live with her own guilt.