Life, Consciousness, Existence Quotes in Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Volume.Chapter.Paragraph) and (Volume.Chapter.Section.Paragraph)

Quote #10

"But is life worth living in the wrong form?" said Elphaba.

"The interior doesn't change," she answered, "except by self-involvement. Of which be not afraid, and also beware." (

There's an interesting tension throughout the book between Elphaba's static nature (she never really changes who and what she is) and her chameleon-like nature (she has a lot of different facets and alters herself). Elphaba has arguably lived in different "forms" before this conversation with Nastoya. Perhaps her concern here has more to do with the fact that she'll be lying about being a witch; "wrong" here might be Elphaba's way of saying false.

Quote #11

"You are a half-breed, a new breed, you are a grafted limb, you are a dangerous anomaly. Always you were drawn to the composite creatures, the broken and reassembled, for that is what you are." (5.8.28)

The dwarf echoes Turtle Heart's reflections on Elphaba as a child here, when he noted that she liked "broken" things. Elphaba herself is "composite" (and hybrid), and it's as if she seeks out that strangeness in others.