The Wizard of Oz Exploration Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from The Wizard of Oz.

Quote #4

DOROTHY: Now which way do we go?

The road splits and Dorothy has to decide which direction to follow. From an exploration perspective, it's all good of course, but it might put a crimp in her plans if she chose the wrong path. It's a highly metaphorical statement about choices and responsibility and all their attendant risks.

Quote #5

DOROTHY: We've been walking a long ways and I was hungry and...did you say something?

Even a simple question of food becomes an opportunity to learn something new about this world. Oz has a way of making the mundane seem extraordinary, which Dorothy's never going to see unless she goes plucking some apples from talking trees every now and then.

Quote #6

WITCH: You call that long?! Why, you've just begun!

It is, in fact, a long road, and Dorothy has a lot more to explore before she gets back home. But does the Witch have to be such a… well, witch about it?