The Wizard of Oz Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from The Wizard of Oz.

Quote #4

WITCH: Who killed my sister? Who killed the Witch of the East?! Was it you?!

The Witch of the West doesn't need a whole lot of motivation to be evil. The woman clearly loves her job, but what motive we do see is also bound up in family. A bit of the villain mirroring the hero, even if the shoes are all that really matter to her.

Quote #5

DOROTHY: Oh, you're the best friends anybody ever had. And it's funny, but I feel as if I'd known you all the time, but I couldn't have, could I?

Yet again, Dorothy links the people in Oz to their counterparts back home. This time, she stresses how important her Oz friends are to her, and by extension that they're her family too. Sweet kid, that Dorothy.

Quote #6

DOROTHY: Auntie Em was so good to me. And I never appreciated it. Running away and hurting her feelings. Professor Marvel said she was sick. She may be dying and it's all my fault. I'll never forgive myself. Never, never, never.

The kid may be a little hard on herself—she ran away to protect Toto, which Aunt Em couldn't do—but it emphasizes the importance of family in her motives. You say something like that, we believe you'll go through forty kinds of nightmare to get back to the person you're talking about.