Young Frankenstein Madness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Young Frankenstein.

Quote #4

FREDERICK: It… could… work!

To emphasize how crazy Frederick is becoming here, his own facial expressions are becoming more exaggerated and the painting of his grandfather, who looks exactly like him, makes a crazy smile too.

Quote #5

FREDERICK: If science teaches us anything, it teaches us to accept our failures as well as our successes, with quiet dignity and grace.

Ah, maybe he's not crazy after all. He takes his failure very calmly… for about 2.3 seconds, then he proceeds to completely flip out, reminding us that, yes, he is totally losing his mind.

Quote #6

IGOR: "Abby" someone. […] "Abby normal."

Not only is this one of the movie's most enduring quotes, but it locates the source of madness right in the brain. Brooks clearly anticipated the fields of psychobiology and neuroscience. We knew he was a genius.