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Passage Drill Videos 141 videos
AP English Language and Composition: Passage Drill Drill 1, Problem 2. What is the speaker's primary purpose in using onomatopoeia in line four?
AP English Language and Composition: Passage Drill Drill 1, Problem 7. What is the principal rhetorical function of paragraphs one to three?
AP English Language and Composition: Passage Drill 1, Problem 8. The quotation marks in the third paragraph chiefly serve to what?
AP English Language: Tonal Recall 9 Views
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The tone of lines 54–60 can best be described as
- 00:05
Okay Ap lang lovers here we go The tone of
- 00:10
lines fifty for through sixty sounds like this on and
- 00:14
it can best be described as what All right fitz
- 00:21
for through sixty Let's see Where are we here It's
- 00:23
kind of cruise on up any discussion of the history
Full Transcript
- 00:25
the blues really has begin with the race and someone
- 00:27
argued ultimately have to end their two more than few
- 00:30
authorities on the way you play with the white folks
- 00:32
will again sing the blues sidestepping the claim For now
- 00:34
we got to get the last part of your show
- 00:36
statement The blues evolved teasingly African american art form All
- 00:39
right let's think about this The author is dealing with
- 00:41
a controversial often times polarizing issue and she refuses to
- 00:45
give in to hysterics She tries to strike a more
- 00:48
neutral tone by saying that some would argue and more
- 00:51
than a few authorities on the genre content suggesting that
- 00:55
alternative viewpoints exist just acknowledges the perception that white folks
- 00:59
simply can't sing the blues But while sidesteps it in
- 01:02
order to give untaxed ball to be polemic or a
- 01:05
warlike the author needs to be arguing explicitly For one
- 01:09
side like an a should have a flippant tone or
- 01:12
be would be addressing a huge issue like races If
- 01:15
it were something as trivial as a you know say
- 01:17
whether by a kiddie pool or a backyard water slide
- 01:20
water slide No brainer Because she refuses to declare her
- 01:23
position explicitly the author isn't defensive so get rid of
- 01:27
sea And yet she's still bold enough to address the
- 01:29
complexities of race So get rid of e the right
- 01:32
answer here It's de carefully weighed She's thinking about all 00:01:35.992 --> [endTime] this heavy stuff Uh carefully
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