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Education Videos 108 videos
How do you judge the performance of an index fund? For index funds, they're really just a reflection of the stocks and bonds they, uh... reflect. S...
What's the SEC? Easy. Seals Eating Candy. Or maybe Silly Elephants Canoodling? We can never remember. Guess it's time to watch this video and refre...
What is Discounted Cash Flow? Discounted Cash Flow is a model that’s used to determine the value of an investment or company. It’s pretty compl...
Finance: What are Hidden Assets? 2 Views
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What are Hidden Assets? A hidden asset is an asset that doesn’t show up on a company’s balance sheet. Hidden assets can also be used in reference to undervalued assets that are not used to determine a company’s share price. Using these hidden assets, an investor can determine the fair value of the stock to possibly make a profit, or at least have more insight into what the stock could potentially be worth.
- Social Studies / Finance
- Finance / Financial Responsibility
- College and Career / Personal Finance
- Life Skills / Personal Finance
- Finance / Finance Definitions
- Life Skills / Finance Definitions
- Finance / Personal Finance
- Courses / Finance Concepts
- Subjects / Finance and Economics
- Finance and Economics / Terms and Concepts
- Terms and Concepts / Accounting
- Terms and Concepts / Banking
- Terms and Concepts / Board of Directors
- Terms and Concepts / Bonds
- Terms and Concepts / Education
- Terms and Concepts / Financial Theory
- Terms and Concepts / Investing
- Terms and Concepts / Metrics
- Terms and Concepts / Stocks
- Terms and Concepts / Wealth
- 00:00
Finance allah shmoop what are hidden assets Come and listen
- 00:07
to a story about a man named did poor mountaineer
- 00:10
Barely kept family Remember them Beverly hillbillies never watched nick
- 00:14
at nite Well ask your parents Yes So jet owned
- 00:17
forty acres and a mule and had been farming well
Full Transcript
- 00:20
forever Then one day he was shooting at a raccoon
- 00:23
You think that's what that is When up from the
- 00:25
ground came a bubbling crude oil that is texas tea
- 00:29
black gold You know the song So yeah jed stumbled
- 00:32
on an oil or a goldmine and hundreds of millions
- 00:37
of dollars later that hidden asset like the oil was
- 00:40
hidden from his farm He just didn't know it was
- 00:42
there that he was shooting at a coon and gave
- 00:44
him a really nice swimming hole in nine o two
- 00:46
one oh seriously great hidden assets happen all the time
- 00:50
in corporate america as well A patent for flying robot
- 00:54
cars that the company didn't realize it had which suddenly
- 00:57
became relevant when you know tracking drones became like a
- 01:01
thing Broadcast rights attached to a tv station acquisition where
- 01:05
new technology lets cell phone spectrum clamp on and produce
- 01:09
Extremely clear phone calls while that asset was hidden No
- 01:13
not so much Well a change in tax law such
- 01:16
that the huge tax losses in the bankrupt company and
- 01:19
wired for scrap are now suddenly age enormous tax deduction
- 01:24
The acquirer won't pay taxes now for two years because
- 01:27
of it well asset don't remain hidden very long Usually
- 01:31
companies have to disclose where they find value if for
- 01:34
no other reason than that it usually goose is their
- 01:36
stock price and everyone likes being rich right Okay so
- 01:40
some people's idea of riches having eighty acres and two
- 01:43
mules But you know that's just jet good and listen
- 01:46
to a story about a man named shmoop over mountains 00:01:49.471 --> [endTime] and never never mind
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