Manipulation Quotes in A Clash of Kings

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Narrator.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Again she turned to the right-hand door. When she pushed it open she faced yet another small antechamber with four doors. I am in the presence of sorcery. (49.Daenerys.29)

Either sorcery or the Qarth version of the Winchester Mystery House. It's really difficult to tell if the sorcery or magic featured in the novel is truly supernatural or simply manipulation in the form of a magic trick.

Quote #8

The High Septon stepped forward. "Your Grace, the gods hold bethrothal [sic] solemn, but your father, King Robert of blessed memory, made this pact before the Starks of Winterfell had revealed their falseness. Their crimes against the realm have freed you from any promise you might have made." (66.Sansa.19)

While kings and queens profess to follow the ethics of their religion, the Septon bends and twists the commandments of said religion to fit the political necessity of the time, namely giving Joffrey an excuse to wed Tyrell's daughter.

Quote #9

When the drawbridge was lowered, a chill wind sighed across the moat. The touch of it made him shiver. It is the cold, nothing more, Theon told himself, a shiver, not a tremble. Even brave men shiver. (67.Theon.40)

Theon shows that manipulation is a two-way street in this quote. Many instances of manipulation show people manipulating others, but here Theon is manipulating himself by believing that what bothers him is simply the wind.