Manipulation Quotes in A Clash of Kings

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Narrator.Paragraph)

Quote #10

"Ser Rodrik had you five-to-one."

"Aye, but he thought us friends. A common mistake. When the old fool gave me his hand, I took half his arm instead. Then I let him see my face." The man put both hands to his helm and lifted off his head, holding it in the crook of his arm.

"Reek," Theon said, disquieted. How did a serving man get such fine armor? (67.Theon.115-117)

Just when you think Varys or Littlefinger would win the coveted Most Manipulative Maestro prize, along comes Ramsay Snow from behind to win the gold. Ramsay was willing to pretend to be a servant, be thrown in jail, and kill two children to serve his political ends, and he succeeded no less. He's not only horrible; he's horribly effective.