Family Quotes in Allegiant

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"She is not your sister," I say. "You betrayed her. You tortured her. You took away the only family she had left." (10.105)

This is Tobias speaking to Caleb. Both Tobias's mother and his father pursue their own interests instead of caring for their son, so he is especially sensitive to—and enraged by—family betrayal. Does betrayal cut family ties?

Quote #5

Abnegation children rarely know their parents in any significant way. (18.9)

The fact that Tris doesn't really know her parents is a driving factor for her in Allegiant. Her mother's diary wouldn't have been such a big deal if her mother hadn't been so secretive while she was alive. Is it possible to develop a deeper relationship with someone even after they have died?

Quote #6

Fraught with difficulty as their relationship has been, those ties never really break. They can't possibly. (22.28)

Tris says this about Tobias and his mother, even though she herself feels that her ties with her brother have been broken. Is she not being totally honest, or does she think that ties between parents are stronger than ties between siblings?