Family Quotes in Allegiant

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Maybe we'll make a home somewhere inside ourselves, to carry with us wherever we go—which is the way I carry my mother now. (19.89)

You've heard that home is where the heart is. Maybe your heart is where your family is. Wherever they are, that is your home. When they die, you have to find that home inside yourself.

Quote #8

"I guess we all decide our children's fates just be making our own life decisions." (22.105)

Tris's question addresses a large theme of the novel: a family definitely influences its children, but how much of it is a result of genetics, and how much of it comes from the way parents raise their children?

Quote #9

This is a map of what I've always known, that I am tied to them, bound forever to this empty inheritance no matter how far I run. (23.21)

The family trees serve as an ugly reminder that Tobias will always be a product of his family, even though he despises them. Does family define the characters in this novel? Even fighting against your family means that your actions are being shaped by them.