Identity Quotes in Allegiant

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Here is the simplest answer I have received: "Divergent" means that my genes are healed. Pure. Whole. (15.30)

Whew. We finally understand what Divergent means. That explains everything. Right? Right? You mean Tris still struggles with her identity after this? Hmm, identity is a more complicated issue than she thought.

Quote #5

"Genes aren't everything," Amar says. "People, even genetically damaged people, make choices. That's what matters." (15.45)

Good point, Amar. We wish he'd actually believe what he was saying, though. Later, he pretty much blames all of society's ills on genetic damage, boiling many people down to what might be an insignificant part of their identity. What about choices, Amar? What about choices?

Quote #6

I'm not Divergent. I'm not like Tris. I'm genetically damaged. (17.127)

Tobias ends up replacing one label with another. Will he learn that he isn't simply what society labels him? He can be his own person independent of that.