Identity Quotes in Allegiant

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"You're the same person you were five minutes ago and four months ago and eighteen years ago! This doesn't change anything about you." (17.137)

All that stuff we say about defining your identity by yourself… well, that's an important part of it, but it's not everything. Tobias learns a lot about himself through how Tris sees him. Since she actually loves him and isn't just a soulless government entity bent on labeling him, we'll allow it. Finding your own identity does require interacting with other people.

Quote #8

"Our ability to know about ourselves and the world is what makes us human." (22.63)

Taking this quote into consideration, does that mean that the factions and labels actually take away from people's humanity?

Quote #9

I wonder if this is how it is with all evil men, that to someone, they look just like good men, talk like good men, are just as likable as good men. (32.11)

The bad guys in the Divergent trilogy can't simply be identified as "bad guys" in the same way that Tris and pals can't simply be labeled as "Dauntless," or "Erudite," or anything else. Their identities are much more complicated than that.