Bonnie and Clyde Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Bonnie and Clyde.

Quote #4

CLYDE: Now honey, I guess I'm going to have to keep saying this: Blanche is married to Buck and Buck is family.

As the Barrow Gang continues on its journey, it takes on more and more of the aspects of family, one of which is feuding relations. Bonnie and Blanche, virtual sisters-in-law, don't like each other at all and are constantly squabbling. Clyde and Buck, who are very close, find themselves in the roles as peacemakers, Clyde constantly trying to negotiate between Bonnie and Blanche and Buck constantly trying to diffuse tension with humor.

Quote #5

BONNIE: My family can use some of that money.

As the story continues, Bonnie becomes more and more conscious of her own family; the family she left behind to be with Clyde. Sometimes, we even sense that she may have feelings of regret at doing this. As the gang's dividing up money from a recent hold-up, she speaks up for her family, people who—unlike the Barrows—can't benefit from the hold-up money.

Quote #6

BONNIE: I want to see my mama. I want to see my mama.

As the stress of being an outlaw increasingly takes its toll on her, Bonnie wants to re-connect with her family, especially her mother. This leads to a final reunion.