Bonnie and Clyde Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Bonnie and Clyde.

Quote #7

MA PARKER: You try to live three miles from me, and you won't live long, honey.

At the reunion with Bonnie's mother, Clyde, with much bravado, tells her that their plan is to live three miles away from her. At this, Mama Parker turns to Bonnie and cuts through the bravado with this astute insight. Hearing it, Bonnie is shocked. But, it helps her to understand that her decision to be with Clyde means that her relationship with her mother has now effectively ended.

Quote #8

BONNIE: I don't have no mama, no family, either.

CLYDE: Hey, I'm your family.

Here, Bonnie admits to Clyde what she's been thinking. But, as he often does, Clyde turns her thinking around, telling her straight out that he's her family now.

Quote #9

C.W.: Why don't you go back to your pa's house?

BLANCHE: If I only could.

As they go get a take-out dinner, C.W. and Blanche have a brief exchange in which we learn a bit more about each of them. Blanche, too, has forsaken her own family by deciding to stay with Buck. She'd like to go back to her father, who's a preacher, but realizes that now she never can.