Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Charlie Bucket Quotes

Charlie Bucket

Quote 4

"I think," he said quietly, "I think... I'll have just one more of those chocolate bars. The same kind as before, please." (11.8)

Poor Charlie. This is his most foolish moment in the story. But he's such a good kid, the craziest thing he can do is buy another chocolate bar, even though he doesn't really need it, and could spend the money on something a little more healthful. If that's Charlie being foolish, he's generally in good shape.

Charlie Bucket

Quote 5

[...] and what he would do, he whispered quickly to himself... he would buy one luscious bar of chocolate and eat it all up, every bit of it, right then and there... (10.27)

This is Charlie's one greedy moment. He finally gets to eat a chocolate bar all at once, just like all the other kids. We can't help but let out a little cheer for the kid.

Charlie Bucket

Quote 6

Charlie felt it worst of all. And although his father and mother often went without their own share of lunch or supper so that they could give it to him, it still wasn't nearly enough for a growing boy. (1.14)

Wow. Check out how much Mr. and Mrs. Bucket love their son. They're willing to go without their own meals in order to feed their growing boy. They seem like pretty great parents.