The Count of Monte Cristo Transformation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

With a black satin collar fresh from the tailor's hands, a newly trimmed beard, grey moustaches, a confident eye and a major's uniform with three medals and five ribbons—in short, an impeccable veteran's costume: enter Major Bartolomeo Cavalcanti, the loving father we met a short while ago.

Beside him, in a brand-new outfit and with a smile on his face, walked Andrea Cavalcanti, that obedient son whom we also know. (62.56-57)

Apparently, all it takes to turn a lout and a criminal into a respectable family is a couple of new outfits.

Quote #5

A moment later, the door through which the priest had entered opened and Monte Cristo appeared. "Forgive me, dear Baron," he said, "but one of my good friends, Abbé Busoni, whom you saw enter, has just arrived in Paris. It is a long time since we last met and I could not tear myself away from him immediately. I hope that this reason will be sufficient to persuade you to excuse me for keeping you waiting." (66.6)

The facility with which the Count can change his appearance and behavior is amazing, at times comically so.

Quote #6

On his departure, M. Andrea had inherited all the papers affirming that he had the honour to be the son of the Marquis Bartolomeo and the Marchioness Leonora Corsinari. He was thus more or less established in Parisian society, which is so open to receiving strangers and treating them, not as what they are, but as what they wish to be. (76.2)

Making a change and starting afresh is easy – when everyone around you has probably already been through the process, and expects you to do the same.