The Count of Monte Cristo Transformation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"I know you, Albert. Whatever path you follow, you will soon make this name illustrious in it. So, my friend, come back in the world, made still more brilliant by your past misfortunes; and if that is not to be, despite all my expectations, at least leave me that hope." (91.45)

Having already weathered a huge change in circumstances – two if you count her rise to wealth – Mercédès is certain that her son can adapt to his new reality, and there's nothing to suggest that he can't. If there's anything we, as readers, can expect, it's instability, the chance for change.

Quote #8

"For in spite of all my woes, in spite of all my tortures, I can now show you a face rejuvenated by the joy of revenge, a face that you must have seen often in your dreams since your marriage…your marriage to my fiancée, Mercédès!" (92.105)

Here, the most powerful transformation is actually a return to the original state, a regression.

Quote #9

"My God!" said Morrel. "You terrify me, Count, with your lack of emotion. Have you some remedy for death? Are you more than a man? Are you an angel? A god?" And the young man, who had never flinched from any danger, shrank away from Monte Cristo, seized with unspeakable terror. (94.87)

Monte Cristo's ability to change makes him seem something more than human. If he can be more than one thing, it follows that he can be anything at all.