Henry VI Part 1 Power Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Scene.Line)

Quote #4

Stay, stay thy hands! Thou art an Amazon,
And fightest with the sword of Deborah. (1.2.106-107)

More proof that Joan has military power: She impresses Charles with her fighting ability so much that he compares her to Deborah, a female judge who helped the Israelites win a major battle, and to an Amazon (a female warrior in classical mythology).

Quote #5

Who willed you? Or whose will stands but mine?
There's none Protector of the realm, but I. (1.3.11-12)

This short quote shows a lot about the power dynamics going on in English politics in this play. Gloucester is Protector of the realm, which means he's basically ruling until young King Henry VI is old enough to take the throne. He's not afraid to use his power, as he does here, but he also takes pretty good care of Henry and probably has his best interests at heart. At the same time, he wrangles a lot with Winchester, who resents his power and would probably like to get more power himself. Yep, it's a complicated political situation.

Quote #6

Wherefore is Charles impatient with his friend?
At all times will you have my power alike? (2.1.57-58)

Joan seems to have some sort of supernatural power, or at least she's claiming to. But sometimes she seems to have more of it and others less. Does this mean her power is made up? Or that it's from demons who can't be trusted? Or that it's from God, but it's not always His will to make her succeed? So many questions, so few answers.