Henry VI Part 1 Power Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Scene.Line)

Quote #7

Quote #8

...this arm, that hath reclaimed
To your obedience fifty fortresses,
Twelve cities and seven walled towns of strength,
Beside five hundred prisoners of esteem,
Lets fall his sword before your Highness' feet, (3.4.5-9)

Wow—Talbot definitely has military power. More than his boss, maybe? Fortunately for Henry, Talbot is very loyal. He'd have trouble on his hands if Talbot weren't.

Quote #9

See, they [the demons Joan has called on] forsake me. Now the time is come
That France must vail her lofty-plumèd crest
And let her head fall into England's lap.
My ancient incantations are too weak,
And hell too strong for me to buckle with.
Now, France, thy glory droopeth to the dust. (5.3.25-29)

Looks like Joan may have been getting supernatural power from demons and not God after all. Either way, it seems pretty clear that Joan thinks supernatural power matters to political power—she thinks if the demons would help her, she could do more for France.