Henry VI Part 1 Society and Class Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Scene.Line)

Quote #4

Rise, Richard, like a true Plantagenet,
And rise created princely Duke of York. (3.1.181-182)

The clique can be nice if they want to. The King is especially nice, actually—he seems genuinely happy to welcome Richard back to the title.

Quote #5

Therefore stand up; and for these good deserts
We here create you Earl of Shrewsbury;
And in our coronation take your place. (3.4.25-27)

Military power and loyalty sometimes translates to a higher standing in society. Lord Talbot was already a member of the aristocracy, but he gets another title for his faithful fighting for the crown. It's sort of like going from Jedi Knight to member of the Jedi Council.

Quote #6

I vowed, base knight, when I did meet thee next,
To tear the Garter from thy craven's leg,
                                                                   (tearing it off)
Which I have done, because unworthily
Thou wast installed in that high degree.— (4.1.14-17)

The knights of the Garter are a special kind of knight, and Talbot says they originally had to be part of the aristocracy, as well as courageous and virtuous (4.1.33-35). Talbot says Fastolfe is a coward or "craven" and doesn't deserve to wear the garter, and King Henry VI, usually a gentle type, sends Fastolfe packing after what Talbot says (4.1.46). Titles don't count for everything, even to the aristocracy. You need to have courage to back it up, at least some of the time.