Henry VI Part 1 Society and Class Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Scene.Line)

Quote #7

But howsoe'er, no simple man that sees
This jarring discord of nobility,
This shouldering of each other in the court,
This factious bandying of their favorites,
But that it doth presage some ill event. (4.1.188-192)

It's hard to get respect from other people if your pals are fighting in public. Exeter is afraid that if the nobility can't unite, they won't be able to impress others, not even a "simple man." That's a problem, because if the English people and their French enemies don't see a united front from the aristocracy, things aren't going to go well.

Quote #8

Now Winchester will not submit, I trow,
Or be inferior to the proudest peer.
Humphrey of Gloucester, thou shalt well perceive
That neither in birth or for authority
The Bishop will be overborne by thee. (5.1.56-60)

In the time period, the Catholic Church was a major political force, often more powerful than whole countries. It was also seen as having the supernatural power to win God's favor, so the combination was a strong one. That's why Winchester says being a cardinal will give him more status in society.

Quote #9

Decrepit miser, base ignoble wretch!
I am descended of a gentler blood.
Thou art no father nor no friend of mine. (5.4.7-9)

Joan is now claiming that she's not a shepherd's daughter, but is instead from a higher place in society. Why do you think she wants to be identified with noble birth? Is it spending time with the nobility and seeing how easily nobles gain respect in the society around her? What's at stake for her?